The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is extending the Red Line from the existing terminal at 95th/Dan Ryan to 130th Street. REDefine Southside Partners Joint Venture is proud to offer Construction Management Services for the Project.
About Us
The REDefine SOUTHSIDE PARTNERS Joint Venture team (RSP-JV) comprised of Patrick Engineering, Inc., WSP USA, Inc, and Infrastructure Engineering, Inc. was selected by CTA in November of 2023 to perform construction management responsibilities as part of CTA’s team tasked to deliver the historic Red Line Extension transit mega- project.
RSP-JV understands and is committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Job Opportunities
Calendar of Events
Special events are being held throughout the Red Line Extension project. Check out our exciting upcoming happenings.
RSP-JV News & Highlights
We celebrate everyone who is part of this amazing project and the incredible progress being made in the community.
For information about the REDefine SOUTHSIDE PARTNERS, JV, or any of our partners, please submit the form below.
Connect with Us
Joint Venture Team
REDefine Partners in Delivery
In addition to the firms that represent the joint venture, there are fifteen additional firms engaged to help deliver the Red Line Extension Project. Each of the additional firms are partners that provide specialized services and will be integral in successfully delivering this historic project .
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
For Red Line Extension Project Updates visit any of the CTA’s Social Media Sites